Wednesday 10 December 2008

Creating the September Scene


Septembers image i struggled with a little out of all of them if Im honest because the things I found represented September were quite difficult to re-create in 3d Studio Max. I cam eup with ideas such as. Twin Towers, Going back to school/work, Autumn and sort of getting cloudy weather etc.

Starting out I created a large plane that was green, then, adding some noise to it, I made it look like a landscape, then using a cylinder, rotating it upright. Turning it into an editable poly allowed me to adjust and pull about the vertices. This enabled me to create a tree trunk:

Sometimes it can be quite difficult to model the vertices to make them look good. Below is an example of what can easily happen if you mess up a little bit or just experiment with the vertices:

Next to create the leaves, personally i found creating the whole scene difficult so i decided to keep a kind of cartoon feel to it with the trees and the buildings, which may explain why i went the route for this next step.

The leaves on the trees were created by using a sphere and colouring it an appropriate colour green:
Next, modifying the vertices and adding a noise modifier to it creates this effect:

Which creates my cartoon tree, I then just needed to clone and scale the tree to multiply the object and add to the scene effect:

Next came the creation of the twin towers, I started off by creating a tall box with many segments and using a turbosmooth modifier, it made the edges appear more curved which is what i wanted, but as there were quite a few segments, it didn't put too much curvature on the building at all.

And then after cloning and adding turbosmooth:

Now to add the windows, creating the window involved using a very shallow box and adding a raytrace material to it and i also used full refelction as there was nothing inside the building, then just from creating one, I multiplied and placed them on both buildings:

Nxt, the background was created by using a plane and rotating it 90 degrees so it is vertical. Then I used a diffuse map of a city background upon it (it is actually Tokyo) to enhance the image
And here is the material being added:

Now to create a book and open book.

To create the book, I started with a box with the normal number number of segments increased but not too much. I then converted this object to an editable poly and added a turbo smooth modifier:


I then selectected the middle segements on 3 of the sides and used the extrude feature to create life-like pages:

And then just chose the individual segements and added a material on them to make them look like a book, created a picture of some lines in photoshop and placed the image on the pages to make them look more realistic.

To create this into an open book it was a little more complicated, and i couldn't make one but i thought one would add so much more to the scene so i decided to download one and put it in, I found the book on website, I did however modify the page and add my own text material to it to make it look more realistic.

This is the book, although I didn't create, it, I do feel it adds a lot more to the scene.

This is the final rendered scene of September;
Which in the end i wasn't 100% happy with, If i had more time, i would've amended quite a few things, for example I would've put more detail into the tree, created my own open book and come up with a better background so this is the one image im not all that pleased with.

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