Wednesday 5 November 2008

Table Cloth

I followed an online tutorial today which I thought was worth sharing. It was a tutorial on how do create a tablecloth effect over a table. I downloaded the table from the website and then followed the tutorial to create the cloth draping over.

To create this:

You need to click on the top view port and create a rectangle that is square over the table and evenly distributed over the edges, (you'll understand a bit better later as to why) Then apply the garment maker to the rectangle and you end up with a meshed rectangle, you then need to add a cloth modifier.

To get the cloth to interact with the table, it needs to be transformed into a collision object. To do this click 'Object Properties' on the modifier panel and change the properties on the cloth so that it is 'cloth' as opposed to 'inactive' and the preset is set to 'silk'. Then click add object in the same window and choose the table, then you need to highlight this object and choose it as your collision object at the bottom of the window with a depth and offset preset of around about 5. This will then be able once OK'd to demonstrate a cloth draping over the table simulation which will then be the final image (remember this is not an animation, just a simulation)

To go back just click the slider bar back to the beginning of the simulation and click 'reset simulation. You can then move the table cloth if you want to the side and it will probably fall off the side (which is why it needs to be in the middle)

For example:

(Tutorial came from: )

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